We hold to an orthodox, free grace, premillennial, dispensational perspective on Scripture. We have high view of the Bible, which we seek to understand literally. We believe in a clear distinction between Israel and the church.
Salvation (justification) is attained by receiving the free gift of eternal life through faith in the sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus Christ in our place. Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, died upon the cross as our substitute. He fully satisfied the penalty God demands for the sin of all mankind. He met the requirement for our jus
Salvation (justification) is attained by receiving the free gift of eternal life through faith in the sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus Christ in our place. Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, died upon the cross as our substitute. He fully satisfied the penalty God demands for the sin of all mankind. He met the requirement for our justification and was raised bodily from the tomb.
Personal faith in the gospel is the only thing necessary to be born again, apart from any works or merit. His resurrection is the guarantee of our eternal life.
Assurance of salvation is a gift for everyone who trusts in Jesus Christ. This assurance is found in the written Word of God, not in the works of the believer.
We believe in the pretribulational and premillennial return of Jesus Christ. We believe that His coming is imminent and that Jesus will come first to rescue His church, and then to rescue Israel to set up His Kingdom.